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Srtaking process

The staking platform allows users to stake their tokens to earn rewards. Here's how the process works:

For more information and to access the staking platform, visit Staking Platform.

  1. Connect Wallet: Users connect to their wallet, preferably through Metamask, configured for the compatible network.

  2. Navigate to Staking: Once connected, users navigate to the staking section of the platform.

  3. Select Quantity and Stake: Users select the option to stake tokens and specify the quantity they wish to stake. They then confirm the stake.

  4. Staking: The selected quantity of tokens is staked, and users start earning rewards based on the staking rewards program.

  5. Unstake: Users select the option to unstake, and the entire balance of staked tokens is unstaked.

Future Development

In the future, the staking platform will serve as a mechanism for claiming various tokens from games that are developed on the platform. Currently, it operates in airdrop mode, where 1000 tokens LTWO are distributed every Thursday.